AFPM 2016 Conference

AFPM LogoWas pleased to represent PerfectProjects at the AFPM 2016 Occupational and Safety Conference  and Exhibition in San Antonio May 17-18, 2016.

AFPM is a trade association representing high-tech American manufacturers of virtually the entire U.S. supply of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, other fuels and home heating oil, as well as the petrochemicals used as building blocks for thousands of vital products in daily life.

AFPM members make modern life possible and keep America moving and growing as they meet the needs of our nation and local communities, strengthen economic and national security, and support nearly 2 million American jobs.

Petrochemicals are used to manufacture just about everything not made from rocks, plants, other living things or metal. These products include everything made of plastic, medicines and medical devices, cosmetics, furniture, appliances, TVs and radios, computers, parts used in every mode of transportation, solar power panels and wind turbines.

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