
November 2016

How are you using data to help pursue zero harm?
Decision making in HSE can be a complex and difficult endeavor. With so many factors to be considered, where a life can hang in the balance, it is imperative that well-built compliant processes be followed with rigor.

August Blog

Aligning Pricing with the Customer
It's not generally possible in larger companies, but in the more nimble, fleet footed organizations, it can pay to adjust your pricing approach to the way your customer does business.

September Blog

How hard could it be managing people?
Letting go of personal prejudices and trusting your people can be very hard for some new managers to do but is essential if you are to be successful.

July 2016 Blog

Adding too much Value?
I saw a good article in the news regarding Marshall Goldsmith and his career in leadership coaching. He said that many top leaders are not even aware of mistakes they are making that hinder them from reaching the very top.